Friday, November 27, 2009


collection agency
debt recovery
debt collection agency
debt collections
commercial collection agency


  1. You have illegally advertised on a non-profit website. You owe us $100 for spamming per our terms and conditions. You can either pay by PAY PAL on our site or send a check to P.O. Box 91521 Louisville, KY 40291. If we do not recieve payment in 14 business days, we'll turn it over to our legal representation and inform the local FBI office that you are a subversive attemping to spread anti-American propaganda via non-profit, charity venues.

    WE suggest you pay

  2. I am having you traced for relentless spamming. Watch your back. I'm NOT joking.

  3. Do not post links to your spam web sites on my blog again!

  4. Well, I see you are just a spammer... your comments on glass beads daily have been deleted... so don't bother
